Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm Surprised

Abrade is my joy, when rationality is seen around to its best. Friendship, love, relations are ad hominem. Fusillade, it seems when a few speak. All I am if not anything else, is I’m surprised!!! Funny things happen and pariah you are if done out of concern. Cold is the weather and now so is my soul. Everything has a meaning, a reason to happen I have got mine as well, but I’m surprised!!!

Penchant I had for my feelings, where I wanted the world to look, the way I wanted to see. It is all different now, this is the learning. Remember saying this all the time, there is your side, my side and the right side. I can see the right side working for me. The illusions that the world looks beautiful cause I see has changed to the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I’m surprised!!!

There is nothing new, nobody can really re invent the wheel, and I cannot. It is not something that never heard before, never passed my mind or something I never knew. It is just that, it is different to hear it when from someone else and different to see when it is you. It has enlightened the way to unknown destination, or the one right there, but hidden under the banner of ignorance is bliss. I’m surprised!!!

Wondering what is this all about? Why is this all about? Is this exactly what I am reading? Actually there can be lot of deviation between what I may be speaking to you. Abysmally amazing that it is only 30% mind it only 30% of the verbal communication that is understood by the other person, the rest is non verbal communication. All we had been trying to do all our lives was to speak well. Between this is not the point, the point is sudden changes have occurred, making me judgemental forgetting the point, that there is nothing right and nothing wrong, what? Exactly just mere circumstances and the decisions in the given situations. There is no happiness and there is no sorrow, just that simple do you want to keep love or grudge in your heart, had forgotten all this. I’m surprised!!!

Whenever we try to be something that we are not, judgements start following us, factual as it may seem true as I believe, when you start trying to judge others, you have lost the knack of judging your own self. Learning new, understanding new, improving according to your own standards and changing because it just the way it is to be done, has a very fine indifference to be understood. It was just what was mentioned above, life seems to be complex, asks us really weird questions, happiness and sorrow start taking over. Everybody seems to be good or bad at different time. Things went according to me good if not as Russell Peters has said a million time “Somebody is go na get hurt real bad” wow!!! How things change within us and we cry the life is unfair. Why? Because we just forget the two colours of life, black and white, try to mix and match, forgetting the fact it can only make it grey. Colours are to be seen and not to be made up. I had forgotten all this I’m surprised!!!

People are different and so is their ideology, so what? Have I given up on my own, little things for a good tomorrow, don’t worry about the future, you can only see it when it is present. Don’t worry about the past; there is nothing you can do to change. Live in the present in such a way, that past seems to be blissful and future looks like the rising sun. Don’t suppress what you feel, not to be said aloud to the world, but to be felt within and not to forget to feel the feeling. Different people care and appreciate different things, be different and appreciate people than only expecting to be appreciated. I had forgotten all this I’m surprised!!!!


  1. Everything you need is inside you. It's a pleasure to read your blog here. I'm now following. Thanks for answering my post on the discussion board. Peace to you!

  2. Thank you Katherine I agree everything is inside is, but we take it out as well. Happiness is a feeling I hope you would agree to that peace is not any different, it is a feeling.
